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印度农村地区巫医盛行 俄罗斯替代治疗师数量超医生 in rural india_ medical myths spread .mp4 24M 2016-02-12
纪念《杀死一只知更鸟》出版50周年 celebrating the 50th anniversary of 'to kill a mockingbird' .mp4 -
霍特全球案例挑战赛致力于解决全球性问题 business students compete to solve global problems .mp4 24M 2016-02-12
美国民间音乐家贝丝·洛马克斯·霍斯 bess lomax hawes brought folk music to a wider public .mp4 25M 2016-02-12
改善创伤护理拯救生命 nts in trauma care save lives .mp4 -
居家好男人的生物学解释 biology may keep new fathers close to home .mp4 -
美国青少年智力竞猜节目开播五十周年 a tv quiz show for teens turns 50 .mp4 25M 2016-02-12
缅怀美国一代数学名师海梅·阿方索·埃斯卡兰特 remembering math teacher escalante .mp4 25M 2016-02-12
常年战火使得巴基斯坦治疗伤员的水平迅猛发展 pakistan improves care for wounded troops .mp4 -
肯尼亚学校提供为女孩提供免费教育 school offers kenyan girls free education .mp4 19M 2016-02-12
经济衰退推动西班牙人学英语 economy pushes spanish to learn english .mp4 -
对聋人阅读障碍的最新解释 a new reason for why the deaf may have trouble reading .mp4 -
肯尼亚学校提供为女孩提供免费教育 school offers kenyan girls free education .mp4 -
讨论学习语言的最好方法 debating the best way to learn a language .mp4 -
常年战火使得巴基斯坦治疗伤员的水平迅猛发展 pakistan improves care for wounded troops .mp4 - 2016-02-12